Chickweed & Plantain Salve – Natural Hope Herbals


SKU: 9368777818403 Tags: , ,


General all-purpose salve for old and young alike. For gardeners, construction workers, and elderly folk. Anyone with rough, dry, or chapped hands likes to use this salve.

Contains: Fresh Chickweed herb, Plantain leaf, Comfrey leaf, St. John’s Wort flowering tops, Mallow herb, Self- heal herb, Calendula flower, and Rosemary leaf infused in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Vitamin E Oil, and Beeswax.

Action: Herbal remedy for external inflammation of the membranes or skin, wounds, skin diseases, inflamed surfaces, and a soothing emollient. Styptic and antiseptic.

Uses: Swollen testicles, burning and itching genitals. Scalds, burns, boils and in- flamed surfaces. Poisonous bites and stings, ringworm, mastitis, poison ivy and bruis- es. Apply as needed.

Cautions: Do not apply to deep or infected wounds. Avoid using near the eyes. Not for internal use. Keep out of reach of children. People with severe ragweed allergies may also be sensitive to Calendula.

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